ZEISS 3D X-ray 應用高峰會
2023年 8月4日
誠摯地邀請您參加首次 ZEISS 3D X-ray 高峰會,本次活動邀請業界使用3D X-ray技術嫻熟的夥伴,與各位一同切磋 3D X-ray在研發上的應用,以及最新的軟體創新分享。
感謝您的關注,請來信至 info.microscopy.tw@zeiss.com 註冊。

日期: 2023年 8月 3日 星期四
時間: 9:30 - 15:30
地點: 卡爾蔡司股份有限公司
地址: 302053 新竹縣竹北市高鐵東二路六號8樓之6

若您是開車前來,請參考左側地圖,由高鐵七路右轉高鐵東二路,City Parking城市車旅停車場即為辦公室大樓地下停車場。因停車位數量有限,附近亦有高鐵停車場可供停車。
若有任何疑問,歡迎來信 info.microscopy.tw@zeiss.com 詢問。

Allen is chief of application engineer for semiconductor and electronics packaging in ZEISS Microscopy. With his background in materials science and engineering, he’s spent his past 17 years in a variety of microscopy technologies with focus on micro/nanoscale imaging and analysis. He joined Carl Zeiss X-ray Microscopy in 2010 and played a leading role in pioneering X-ray imaging techniques for electronics packaging and failure analysis. Now the ZEISS XRM becomes the world’s most advanced 3D X-ray microscopy brand among non-destructive techniques. His recent focus has been driving innovative X-ray imaging and reconstruction solutions to new challenges in electronics packaging. Prior to his ZEISS career, he severed as a Sr. applications scientist for scanning probe microscopy technologies in Pacific Nano and Agilent, USA. He has (co)authored more than 70 journal articles, conference paper, presentation events and US patents. His passion and dedication are to continuously find better next-generation solutions for the failure analysis community.

Nicky Liu is responsible for applications on ZEISS X-ray microscope (XRM) product portfolio and familiar with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). With experienced consultative skills, she can investigate the true problems that customer may have and suggest best usage scenario and product adaptation. Her past experiences working in National Cheng Kung University and Bruker AXS enables her capability to address academic researcher’s and semiconductor industry customers' pain points. Nicky is also the focal point to provide feedback to ZEISS Product Development Team.

Bessy Chiu is responsible for applications on ZEISS FIB-SEM. Her working experience including serving as a photo lithography process engineer in Powerchip Technology,managing supplier raw material quality in Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp., and later managing Integration and performing wafer bumping and packaging failure analysis services in Powertech Technology. Her experience in various functions creates synergy of her service skills between FIB-SEM theory, real world applications and workflow evaluation.