微米到奈米的關聯應用 - 研討會 非破壞3D X-ray 顯微鏡與生物電子顯微鏡聯用發展
蔡司顯微鏡解決方案事業部是全球唯一提供光學顯微鏡,電子顯微鏡,3D X-ray顯微鏡三大顯微鏡領域的研發製造商。作為全球領先的顯微鏡製造商,蔡司提供啟發靈感的解決方案,不僅限於顯微鏡,還包含軟體及完整的售後服務,致力於幫助使用者的研究發展。
Subcellular Connectomics
Analyzing Mitochondrial Networks
In C.K.E. Bleck et al. 2018, Dr. Glancy and team applied a connectomics approach using volume electron microscopy with FIB-SEM and SBF-SEM to quantitatively assess the mitochondrial network in cardiac, oxidative, and glycolytic muscle.
They showed that each muscle type, with its differing contraction demands, had different mitochondrial network configurations. They also assessed mitochondria-lipid droplet interactions and found evidence that individual mitochondria may be tuned to specialize in energy distribution or calcium cycling.
3D Electron Microscopy of Sarcomeres
A Branching Myofibrillar Matrix
In T.B. Willingham et al. 2020, Dr. Glancy's group uses volume electron microscopy with FIB-SEM to unveil that striated muscle cells form a continuous myofibrillar matrix with frequent, branching sarcomeres. Their work examines changes in branching during postnatal development and in different muscle types. They suggest a new theory for how force is generated based on a mesh-like myofibrillar network rather than many individual, parallel myofibrils.
3D Modeling of Sarcomere Interactions
Mitochondrial Networks Influences Sarcomere and Myosin Filament Structure
Mitochondria must supply a constant energy stream to actin and myosin filaments within muscle sarcomeres to sustain muscle contractions over time. In P. Katti et al. 2022, 3D electron microscopy is used to examine variations in sarcomere cross-sectional area and provide evidence that both sarcomere structure and myofilament interactions are influenced by the location and orientation of mitochondria within muscle cells.
3D EM of Drosophila Muscle Types
Analyzing Myofibrillar Connectivity
Continuing their work from T.B. Willingham et al. 2020 mentioned above, Dr. Glancy and team looked into the extent to which myofibrillar connectivity is evolutionarily conserved as well as mechanisms which regulate the specific architecture of sarcomere branching. In P.T. Ajayi et al. 2022, they present 3D electron microscopy evidence which indicates fruit flies have a myofibrillar connectivity on/off switch that is regulated by both cell-type dependent and independent mechanisms.
Volume Data Acquisition through Automated Sectioning and Imaging
See ZEISS Volutome in Action
Save Time with Automated Cutting, Image Acquisition, and Pre-processing
Serial block-face imaging requires stable acquisition conditions over a long period of time. ZEISS Volutome allows highly automated and unattended cutting and imaging. The cutting cycle is sped up and image acquisition is accelerated using the dedicated detector ZEISS Volume BSD. During image acquisition, images are simultaneously pre-calculated for stitching and z-stack alignment – meaning results are at your fingertips in one click.
Superb 3D Imaging of Your Biological Samples
Resin-embedded samples are challenging to image. High quality images with good contrast are normally acquired with higher acceleration voltages – which can damage your sensitive sample. Imaging at low kV ensures sample integrity – but produces images with less contrast. ZEISS Volume BSD is the new high-speed, high-sensitivity detector specially designed for ZEISS Volutome, ensuring high-contrast images even at low kV. In combination with Focal Charge Compensation, charge-prone samples can be easily imaged by charge neutralization at the block face.
Caption: Mouse brain tissue acquired with ZEISS Volutome and ZEISS GeminiSEM; pixel size: 3 nm. Sample courtesy of Christel Genoud, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
One Solution – One Contact
ZEISS Your Trusted Partner for Volume EM
Providing the complete, integrated serial block-face solution from hardware to software, ZEISS Volutome is ideal for users with a vested interest in streamlining their number of equipment suppliers. Whether you have questions about the ultramicrotome, the detector or FE-SEM, or even the applications, rest-assured ZEISS is your contact.
Caption: 3D reconstruction of mouse brain neurons. Sample courtesy of Christel Genoud, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
From Micro and Nano Scale Correlative Microscopy Seminar
1. Learn about serial block-face imaging: a key technology in Volume EM. Explore its applications in life science research and see how it is used in core facilities.
2. Laboratory-based X-ray Microscope (XRM) instruments are becoming a “must-have” for advanced non-destructive multi-scale material characterization in 3D and 4D.
3. ZEISS Volutome is an end-to-end solution from hardware to software including image processing, segmentation, and visualization.
ZEISS Focal Charge Compensation
Elimination of Charging Effects
High-Quality Imaging of Resin-Embedded Biological Samples
Specimen charging, particularly in samples containing large regions of bare resin, results in a significant degradation in image quality and distortion. Typically, charging is mitigated by applying variable pressure, however this is at the expense of signal-to-noise ratio and resolution.
ZEISS Focal Charge Compensation eliminates specimen charging. A gas injection system is precisely located above the sample. Nitrogen is guided directly onto the block-face surface while the chamber is maintained under high vacuum. This eliminates charging and assures high image quality. The needle retracts automatically during the cutting cycle, so the workflow is uninterrupted and high acquisition rates are maintained.
Electrons of the primary electron beam interact with the specimen creating charging effects. Secondary electrons are released from the specimen and generate negative charging on the surface. The detector will be overwhelmed by electrons.
Through the Focal CC needle, nitrogen gas is applied to the sample and forms a local gas cloud above the specimen surface. Primary and backscattered electrons from the specimen surface ionize the nitrogen molecules.
The positively charged nitrogen molecules neutralize the specimen surface. Thus, charging effects are minimized.
Large Volume Imaging
Reveal the Ultrastructure of Your Sample in a Wider Context
ZEISS Volutome offers a robust stage solution. The ultramicrotome stage reduces drifting effects and makes large volume imaging over a long period of time possible. You can access these large volumes by acquiring single 2D images at up to 32k × 32k pixel resolution.
For applications that require you to push the boundaries of single 2D imaging, you can stitch multiple single images together to create one larger mosaic image. Mosaic imaging is of special interest when cells or cellular structures need to be traced across a wide range in x, y and z. A prominent example is Connectomics: the neuronal network and connections between nerves must be investigated comprehensively over wide, continuous volumes.
From Image Acquisition to 3D Results
ZEISS Software for Serial Block-Face Imaging
ZEISS software combines the individual Volutome hardware components to make the serial block-face workflow smooth and easy-to-use. The cutting operation as well as the imaging process are controlled by ZEISS ZEN core. ZEN core workbenches provide intuitive structure to control setup, sample to knife approach and parameters for cutting and image acquisition.
Once the data is collected and the pre-calculation is applied for stitching and z-stack alignment, the results can be visualized and processed with ZEISS arivis Pro.
Take your results a step further, with software from the ZEISS arivis product family you can an-notate, segment, and analyze your data – getting the most information out of your images.
ZEISS Volutome at Work
Serial Block-Face SEM Application Examples
Neuroscientists continue to pursue better understanding of neuronal connections and signaling pathways. Serial block-face imaging is the appropriate solution to image and follow neurons with long and thin protrusions, such as dendrites and axons. ZEISS Volutome enables acquisition of large mosaic images over all three dimensions at high resolution. Sections as thin as 25 nm with pixel sizes as small as 3 nm can be cut to follow the dendrites and axons precisely over long distances.
3D reconstruction of mouse brain tissue
- Pixel size: 6 nm
- Cutting thickness: 25 nm
- Dimensions: 43 µm × 43 µm × 45 µm (1800 sections)
- EHT: 1.2 kV / Ip: 90 pA
- Dwell time: 0.8 and 1.6 µs, respectively
- Acquired with ZEISS GeminiSEM 460
Cell Biology
High resolution imaging is necessary to visualize the ultrastructure of cells and cellular components. Samples with large areas of bare resin are particularly prone to charging. Focal Charge Compensation avoids the charging effects and delivers high-quality images. The sensitivity of ZEISS Volume BSD permits low kV imaging without sacrificing image contrast or acquisition time. Under these conditions, various cellular components, such as mitochondria, Golgi, and even vesicles can be identified and analyzed.
Genetically modified stem cells
- Pixel size: 10 nm
- Cutting thickness: 30 nm
- Dimensions: 51 µm × 51 µm x 15 µm (~550 sections)
- EHT: 1.5 kV / Ip: 100 pA
- Dwell time: 2.8 µs
- Acquired with ZEISS GeminiSEM 460
Plant Science
Plant science is about understanding the microscopic relationships that are impacted by drought, climate change, pollution, and genetic factors. These translate into health and disease states in plants which impact crop yield, food production and, ultimately, human wellbeing. Imaging plant samples can be challenging due to their anatomy, such as cell walls and vacuoles. For serial block-face imaging, biological samples must be embedded in resin. Low kV, high-speed acquisition with Volume BSD, and the use of Focal Charge Compensation enable high-contrast plant imaging without compromise.
Arabidopsis thaliana leaf
- Pixel size: 6 nm
- Cutting thickness: 40 nm
- Dimensions: 36 µm × 36 µm × 16 µm (400 sections)
- EHT: 1.5 kV / Ip: 110 pA
- Dwell time: 1 µs
- Acquired with ZEISS GeminiSEM 460
Tissue Imaging
Volume electron microscopy enables imaging of much larger sample sizes, making visualization of larger tissue sections a more routine application for life scientists across many disciplines. Whether you work with tumors and biopsies, organ or tissue sections, organoids, embryos of model organisms and more, serial block-face imaging allows large sample volumes to be imaged and analyzed within a broader 3D context. Investigate your samples in healthy or diseased states, or examine the effects of metabolic changes, genetic factors, drug treatments, and more.
Mouse skeletal muscle
- Pixel size: 3 nm
- Cutting thickness: 100 nm
- Dimensions: 18 μm × 15 μm × 25 μm (250 sections)
- EHT: 2 kV / Aperture: 20 μm, high current
- Dwell time: 1 µs
- Acquired with ZEISS GeminiSEM 360
Breakthrough Imaging with ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa
View highlights of ZEISS Xradia Versa 3D X-ray microscopes: non-destructive imaging, higher resolution with higher throughput.
Breakthrough Resolution Performance to Expand Your Research Horizons
The ZEISS 40X-Prime Objective
With more X-ray photons available on ZEISS Xradia 600-series Versa, you can now achieve even faster time to results for varied samples without compromising resolution. Unique to ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa is the 40X-Prime (40X-P) objective lens.
ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa XRM, with the higher energy capabilities of the exclusive 40X-Prime (40X-P) objective, enables you to push the limits of submicron imaging like never before. Known for their ability to achieve resolution at a Distance (RaaD™), ZEISS Xradia Versa platforms allow high resolution imaging of a wide array of sample types and sizes over a long range of length scales.
With 40X-P, the system achieves unparalleled resolution performance of 450-500 nm across the full range of source voltage, from 30 kV to 160 kV, defining RaaD 2.0. Unlocking entirely new application capabilities for researchers, the ZEISS 40X-P objective enables ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa to push industry standards of submicron imaging resolution.
NavX User Interface
NavX User Interface
The physics of X-ray imaging can be complex, so ZEISS XRM researchers studied user habits, dove into their challenges, and employed human-centered design (HCD) principles to enable even the newest user in a busy environment to be immediately productive. NavX™, the new user interface for ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa, guides users through automated workflows with intelligent system insights and delivers experimental results more easily and efficiently while also allowing experienced users to explore the full versatility of the platform.
NavX enables you to automate your workflow and provides guidance on the impact the parameters you've chosen will have on your setup. That guidance is directly embedded in the software, taking you through choices in a natural and familiar way.
Additionally, the NavX File Transfer Utility (FTU) takes the data that is being produced by the microscope and automatically transfers it to other locations so that users have their data where they need it, when they need it. These advancements make NavX much more capable for remote operation, advancing user productivity.
NavX intuitive navigation follows the evolution of the XRM user base and revolutionizes X-ray navigation and control with seamless and integrated workflows complementing the planning and execution of advanced correlative workflows..
Flat Panel Extension
The flat panel extension (FPX), standard on your ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa X-ray microscope, further increases the versatility of the system, directly supporting the Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox’s AI-based DeepScout for deep learning and neural network training. Leverage FPX to perform a low resolution, large field of view, "scout” scans, and identify interior regions for higher resolution “zoom” scans on a variety of different sample types. The Volume Scout workflow streamlines this process within NavX.
Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox (ART)
讓您的 ZEISS Xradia X-ray 顯微鏡如虎添翼
蔡司突破性地整合人工智慧,推出最新的ZEISS Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox (ART) 3.0軟體。
ZEISS Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox (ART) 3.0軟體模組有
- DeepScout software
- DeepRecon Pro
- Material Aware Reconstruction Solution (MARS)
- PhaseEvolve
- OptiRecon
ZEISS DeepScout software
Resolution at field of view, throughput at field of view
ZEISS DeepScout uses high-resolution 3D microscopy datasets as training data for lower resolution, larger field of view datasets and upscales the larger volume data using a neural network model. ZEISS DeepScout, developed through continued algorithmic innovation enabled by the AI infrastructure from ZEISS, employs the unique Scout-and-Zoom capability to acquire richer information at higher resolution, including interior tomographies for large samples.
- Take your large overview scan
- Feed it through the ZEISS DeepScout reconstruction algorithm
- Get resolution that approaches the resolution of a Zoom scan, but over a much larger field of view.
At its core, ZEISS DeepScout relies on the ability to generate multiscale, spatially registered datasets and uses that ability to train neural networks to improve the reconstruction. New capabilities, fueled by deep learning, mitigate the traditional trade-off between field of view and resolution.
DeepScout, on the left, shows significantly more cellular information than standard reconstruction, on the right.
Sample courtesy of Keith Duncan, Donal Danforth Plant Science Center.
ZEISS DeepRecon Pro
Harvest the hidden opportunities in big data generated by your XRM
The first commercially available deep learning reconstruction technology enables you to increase throughput by up to 10× without sacrificing novel resolution at a distance (RaaD). Alternatively, keep the same number of projections and enhance the image quality further. ZEISS DeepRecon provides significant AI-driven speed or image quality improvement.
ZEISS DeepRecon Pro is applicable to both unique samples as well as semi-repetitive and repetitive workflows. Self-train new machine learning network models on-site with an extremely easy-to-use interface. The one-click workflow of ZEISS DeepRecon Pro eliminates the need for a machine learning expert and can be seamlessly operated by even a novice user.
ZEISS DeepRecon Pro is now available on ZEISS Xradia Ultra nanoscale XRM.
Mouse lung imaged with Xradia Versa. Sample is iodine stained and captured with 3001 projections. Reconstruction done using DeepRecon (right). Compared with the equivalent image reconstructed using FDK (left)
Materials Aware Reconstruction Solution (MARS)
Superior image quality for highly attenuating samples
MARS is a reconstruction algorithm that is aware of the constituents within a reconstruction. A challenge in X-ray reconstruction in a lab setting is that imaging with a polychromatic source creates different X-ray energies to generate a phenomenon called beam hardening. This effect is particularly challenging when your material is very dense and embedded in relatively less dense material. MARS tells the reconstruction system how to compensate for the effect of extreme beam hardening in the regions between very dense objects. This is important in applications like biomaterials, where you might be looking at implants next to bone or tissue. Or electronics where extremely dense solder balls appear next to other less dense materials on a printed circuit board, generating strong artifacts. MARS reconstructs your images to compensate for these effects.
Biomedical metal implant in bone. Without MARS, left. With MARS, right.
Nicky Liu is responsible for applications on ZEISS X-ray microscope (XRM) product portfolio and familiar with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). With experienced consultative skills, she can investigate the true problems that customer may have and suggest best usage scenario and product adaptation. Her past experiences working in National Cheng Kung University and Bruker AXS enables her capability to address academic researcher’s and semiconductor industry customers' pain points. Nicky is also the focal point to provide feedback to ZEISS Product Development Team.
Jerry Fan is responsible for the applications on ZEISS Bio electron microscopy and light microscopy. Prior to Zeiss, Jerry worked for National Taiwan Museum, Imaging Core Facility of National Taiwan University and Nebulum Technologies. His experiences in both LM and SEM enables him to propose versatile workflows for customers . With Zeiss he currently supports the business development of ZEISS Bio-EM and applications of light microscopes.
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2023年 7月 21日 13:30 - 16:00
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